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Henle Latin Daily Tips

Writer's picture: Kathy SheppardKathy Sheppard

Henle Latin Tips, Day 1: Tab up your Henle books. For information from an excellent tutor, Sarah Herr, look here: Sarah's Latin Tabbing Document.

Henle Latin Tips, Day 2: Robert Henle was a Jesuit and was the president of Georgetown University for many years. The book has a Catholic leaning and uses Ecclesiastical pronunciation (and the letter j). The classical pronunciation is in in the Grammar book appendix #1018.

Henle Latin Tips, Day 3: Look at the First Year Table of Contents to quickly see what things are taught in each lesson. By the end of each lesson, your student should be able to tell you about each of those things. For example, in Lesson 1, your student should be able to: decline terra; tell the rules for gender; tell about the use of verbs; explain the accusative case; and explain the genitive case. They should also be able to tell the pertinent information for the vocabulary. You can also get my Henle checklists here.

Henle Latin Tips, Day 4: Henle Latin does not include gender for each noun. Other books do. Rather than exclusively using the Henle gender rules, it may behoove you to learn each word’s gender individually and generally learn the Henle gender rules. GENDERS ARE IMPORTANT FOR ADJECTIVE MODIFICATION!

Henle Latin Tips, Day 5: Henle’s method of diagramming is found in the Grammar Book #1005—1013. If you know another method of diagramming, USE IT.

Henle Latin Tips, Day 6: Henle Latin predates the National Latin Exam. You must teach a few different things early (like numbers 1-10, imperatives, and vocatives) before the Intro and First Year NLE, in order to be competitive for the NLE.

Henle Latin Tips, Day 7: Since Henle is an ecclesiastical Latin text; it sometimes follows different rules than classical. One of those rules is the vocative case—Henle puts an extra e after i in words that end in –ius.

Henle Latin Tips, Day 8: Henle sometimes calls things something different than you would find in other books: e.g., Henle has a section in Lesson 8 called adjectives governing cases which is a bit of a misnomer. Those adjectives are generally called, in other texts, special adjectives. When explaining special adjectives, you would call them, genitive with the special adjectives (e.g. plenus, cupidus, similis, etc.).

Henle Latin Tips, Day 9: The Henle Grammar is divided into two parts: Forms, which discusses all the endings and very simple discussion of syntax; and, Syntax, which gives more in depth analysis of the cases, pronouns, and verbal constructions.

Henle Latin Tips, Day 10: The first time you work in Henle First Year, you should memorize vocabulary and forms (work in Henle Grammar Part 1). The second or third time through, that part should be memorized thoroughly and you should stay in Part 2.

Henle Latin Tips, Day 11: Henle does not tell in the glossary where each word is found. Therefore, you want to make sure you know all the nuances of the word or remember where each word is found (I have a glossary which shows you where to find them—you can purchase it at my store).

Henle Latin Tips, Day 12: Parents, good daily quizzes come from Henle Grammar Part I. J Your students should know those forms for their entire Latin career!

Henle Latin Tips, Day 13: This is probably not worth mentioning, but the Henle Grammar Table of Contents has things referenced by page number, while the Index has things referenced by rule number.

Henle Latin Tips, Day 14: The Henle Indices (Plural of Index) sometimes do not have as much information as I would like as to where each grammar points is taught. It is better to look in the Table of Contents.

Henle Latin Tips, Day 15: Henle does not always write out words. If he says (1) for a verb, that means it ends in –o, -are, -avi, -atum. For example, supero’s principal parts are supero, superare, superavi, superatus. Students should write those out—otherwise, they will not commit it to memory.

Henle Latin Tips, Day 16: Books vary in the fourth principal part for verbs. Some books use-um and some use –us. Henle uses –us. The Latin community is very split and vocal about which it should be (sometimes we fight about silly stuff).

Henle Latin Tips, Day 17: When Henle says parse for nouns, that typically means case, gender, and number (although Henle does not usually include gender).

Henle Latin Tips, Day 18: When parsing in the first declension, you can have more than one answer. Henle’s answer key does not reflect that (but mine does—you can purchase it at my store).

Henle Latin Tips, Day 19: (From my friend Denise) Parents, get your own copy rather than sharing with your student. (The Henle book is fairly budget friendly.)

Henle Latin Tips, Day 20: (From my friend Amanda): Highlight all the vocabulary in yellow and the rules in green so that they stand out and are easy to find.

Henle Latin Tips, Day 21: (From my friend Jenny) If you are going to scale exercises, it is important to know which ones are grammar versus more difficult and which numbers in the exercises to focus on.

Henle Latin Tips, Day 22: In Henle I, make sure your student is memorizing the whole vocabulary entry. For nouns, the nominative, genitive, gender (if you are using my glossary) and meaning and for verbs, all four principal parts should be memorized.

Henle Latin Tips, Day 23: If your student does not like making flashcards, he/she can use Quizlet and even challenge classmates in a speed round as review (not to learn). He/she could also make a fold-over with the words and the other pertinent information.

Henle Latin Tips, Day 24: Macrons are not necessary to memorize, with the exception of a couple (1st Declension ablative singular, 2nd conjugation infinitive, and 4th declension genitive singular and nominative/accusative plural).

Henle Latin Tips, Day 25: (From my friend Amy) Highlight headings (orange), vocabulary (green), grammar (blue), assignments (yellow), and readings (pink).

Henle Latin Tips, Day 26: The study of Latin is important. As my friend Denise says, “Scale, don’t bail.” Do not just give up on Latin!

Henle Latin Tips, Day 27: There is no such thing as a dative verb! There are verbs which take the dative case as the direct object instead of the accusative you expect!

Henle Latin Tips, Day 28: The noun locus, when it has an adjective with it, omits the preposition in.

Henle Latin Tips, Day 29: Hostis, hostis in Henle means a collective enemy in war. It is always found in the plural (except one time in a later lesson when he uses it in an example as a personal enemy).

Henle Latin Tips, Day 30: Pick the exercises for your child that you find necessary and do not feel like you have to do every exercise!

Henle Latin Tips, Day 31: There are exercises designed to have your student practice with vocabulary. If you decide that you want your student to just work on vocabulary and endings, still do those exercises! (My answer key has labels for grammar, dialectic, and rhetorical).

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